Completely unsolicited advice on code, management and technology.
Why I'm Researching Wine Industry Technology

Why I'm Researching Wine Industry Technology

After spending decades implementing manufacturing and enterprise systems, I've recently become fascinated by a specific challenge: how modern technology can better serve small to medium-sized winerie ...

Astro Starlight for Docs-As-Code

Astro Starlight for Docs-As-Code

Over the last couple of months, we've been working to implement a docs-as-code trial for an importa ...

Leverage Azure Virtual Desktop for Remote Technical Interviews and Have Fun Doing It*

Leverage Azure Virtual Desktop for Remote Technical Interviews and Have Fun Doing It*

Over the past several months we've been running technical interviews for remote candidates for soft ...

Is It a bug or an Existential Crisis?

Is It a bug or an Existential Crisis?

Today, in the course of writing another blog post, I tried to sign-in to well-known and generally h ...

GitOps is Not The Goal

GitOps is Not The Goal

After kicking off a project with a group of knowledgeable people and listening to their comments, s ...