Building a SharePoint World Clock with Moment.js

Building a SharePoint World Clock with Moment.js

It seemed like such a simple thing that someone must have built one already, but alas, no. We recently needed to replace an old-school world clock from our archaic intranet (it was built in asp classic, folks… that’s right).

The requirements were pretty simple:

  1. List multiple locations around the world
  2. Show the current time in those locations
  3. Don’t look terrible (you’d understand if you saw the old one)

After searching the interwebs for something that would meet our needs without completely over-engineering the problem, we couldn’t find anything. At this point, I leaned back, sipped some coffee contemplatively and thought to myself, “Self, this is nuts. Let’s just build something”. Admittedly, I’m a little predisposed to want to build things!

In the end, I crafted a small script that loads the list of locations and time zones from a SharePoint list, and then displays them in a simple table. The time zone magic is handled with the awesome moment.js and moment-timezone.js libraries.

Easy. Peasy. World clock.


How to use the script

  1. Create a SharePoint list on the site where you’ll show the clock

  2. It should have a Title field by default

  3. Add a required text field called “Country”

  4. Add a required text field called “Timezone”

  5. Add your locations to the list

  6. Upload the script below (or from GitHub) to your SharePoint site

  7. Create a new SharePoint page

  8. Add a content editor web part to the page

  9. Stick the path of the script you just uploaded into the URL field of the web part

  10. Optionally, you can set the “Chrome Type” to “None”

  11. Save and publish your page

<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="" ></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="" ></script>

	#worldClockContainer thead tr {
		border-bottom: 1px solid #666;
	#worldClockContainer td, #worldClockContainer th {
		padding: 2px 3em;
	#worldClockContainer tbody tr:hover, #worldClockContainer tbody tr:nth-child(even):hover {
		background-color: #F0F8FF;
	#worldClockContainer tbody tr:nth-child(even) {
		background-color: #ddd;

<div id="worldClockContainer">
				<th>Current Time</th>

<script type="text/javascript">
	//The name of the SharePoint list in the current site that will contain the 
	//settings for the world clock. The list needs to contain a Title (the standard column), a text column called Timezone and a text column called Country.
	//The timezone column contains the timezone text, such as "America/Toronto".
	var locationsListName = "locations";

	//The variable to store/store the list results in between calls to the WriteClock function.
	var locationData;

	//Outputs the world clock locations to the clock container based on the cached data
	function WriteClock() {
		//Clear the contents of the table's body (quick and dirty)
		$("#worldClockContainer tbody").empty();
		//Iterate the items in the list and build the world clock table.
		for(index in locationData) { 
			var locationItem = locationData[index];
			$("#worldClockContainer tbody").append("<tr><td>"+ locationItem.Country +"</td><td>"+ locationItem.Title +"</td><td>"+ moment().tz(locationItem.Timezone).format('LLLL') +"</td></tr>");	

	//Use jquery to call the rest service to get the location data from the SP list
		url: _spPageContextInfo.webAbsoluteUrl + "/_api/Web/Lists/GetByTitle('" + locationsListName + "')/items?$orderby=Country,Title&$select=ID,Title,Timezone,Country",
		type: "GET",
		dataType: "json",
		headers: {
			Accept: "application/json;odata=verbose"
	}).done(function(data, status, response) {
		//Cache the list results so we don't need to keep querying.
		locationData = data.d.results;

		//Do the initial creation of the world clock list

		//Set the list to refresh every 15 seconds
		window.setInterval(WriteClock, 15 * 1000);
	}).fail(function(data) {
		alert("Could load the location data from the SharePoint list called '"+ locationsListName +"'. "+ data.responseText);