
Adding Secure Upstream NuGets in Azure DevOps Artifacts

Adding Secure Upstream NuGets in Azure DevOps Artifacts

There we were, merrily skipping down the happy-path to setting up Azure DevOps Artifacts for our .N ...

Winning with Skype Broadcast and a Live Audience

Winning with Skype Broadcast and a Live Audience

I've delivered several Skype Broadcasts and, while they've been successful and well received, the e ...

Are You Ready For The Office365 External User Sharing Changes?

Are You Ready For The Office365 External User Sharing Changes?

Did you know that Microsoft is changing the way folks outside your organization access your shared ...

Microsoft Private Teams Aren't as Private Anymore

Microsoft Private Teams Aren't as Private Anymore

If you're on the happy-path with Microsoft Teams within your organization, you probably have some p ...

I Survived Skype Broadcasting

I Survived Skype Broadcasting

Success! In a previous post I talked about my firs ...

Is This Thing On? Skype Broadcast 101

Is This Thing On? Skype Broadcast 101

Got 10,000 of your closest friends and colleagues that you need to communicate to and love blue Koo ...

Building a SharePoint World Clock with Moment.js

Building a SharePoint World Clock with Moment.js

It seemed like such a simple thing that someone must have built one already, but alas, no. We rec ...

Protip: The fastest way to reference a web page in Trello

Protip: The fastest way to reference a web page in Trello

It's amazing, I've been using Trello since it was launched ages ago and I just discovered a great w ...

Getting Started Monitoring SharePoint Online With Application Insights

Getting Started Monitoring SharePoint Online With Application Insights

If you're like me, you might get a little obsessed with performance and want the best experience fo ...

My Perspective of the Build 2017 Conference

My Perspective of the Build 2017 Conference

Build 2017 Conference Highlights Summary This year’s Build conference seemed heavily focused ...

Embedding Weather Into a SharePoint Page

Embedding Weather Into a SharePoint Page

Awhile back I stumbled across and []( ...

Adding Tiles to the Office365 Waffle

Adding Tiles to the Office365 Waffle

Waffles. Little circles and squares of golden deliciousness smothered in maple syrupy goodness. Thi ...

Planning is better with friends

Planning is better with friends

Last spring all of the members of my team spontaneously, and with great enthusiasm, started using [ ...